Executive news
25th September 2020
The Executive Committee are really pleased to welcome two new treasures into the role, Nita Reynolds and Suzanne Redford will be taking over from Ian Jewell who has been in the role for around 10 years, thank you so much Ian for all your work with the Group.
The Committee has been able to grow in number over the past few months with Claire O'Brien, Fiona Williams, Steve Sims, Steve Mansell and Helena Bailey joining and taking on roles.
This even happened during the summer holidays which is normally a time for members and leaders alike to take time out of scouting and rest up until the autumn term begins.
When we started back after the summer holidays we were able after many weeks of work with risk assessments, changes to the hut and the way we meet to actually start meeting back face to face.
Don't please think that for one minute this was an easy decision or task to take on. The hours it took to prepare the scout hut and all the paper work required to do this was huge. We also had to think about the safety of the young members and leaders and how it would be possible to run meetings at that time outside only in a way that the 2metre social distancing could be maintained.
We all had different ideas and suggestions which had to be discussed and also weather we felt that it was safe to even start back at all. Following all the discussions it was decided that all sections would attempt to meet back face to face.
After all the work put into this the Government then decided due to an increase in cases to bring in the rule of 6. We felt that is was a good idea to inform all of Cowfold that due to certain exemptions such as School and Sport and also Scouting that we could continue to meet. Yes we are still having to stick to very strict rules around social distancing and also ratios of leaders to children BUT we can still meet.
Hopefully in the next few weeks we will also be able to start using the scout hut again to meet in small groups inside. Again this is all subject to more risk assessments and safety precautions being put in place.
You may well see us about Cowfold or even sat around by the hut, please don't be alarmed or worried we are still allowed to meet the government and Scout headquarters have informed us that this is still allowed for now.
If you have any questions about scouting or wish to get involved please do contact us. Please Stay safe.